We have all heard many stories about the Ouija board so what do we believe? That's for you to decide. But we figured we would give you a few pointer's we have learned in order to help keep you safe from the Ouija board and it's spirits during your Ouija session.These are the same thing as superstitions only people call them "Ouijastitions".Weather you are superstitious or not you might want to take some of these precautions while using the board.Its The same thing as "It's bad luck when a black cat walks across your path","Don't walk under ladder's","If you break a mirror it's 7 years bad luck".Only dealing with the Ouija board.

- Never use the Ouija Board when you are in an ill or weakened condition. This can lead to all kinds of trouble and makes the person more vulnerable to possession.(For more on possession...see the next page)
-Often times the spirits contacted through the board create "wins" for the user causing he or she to become more and more dependent on the board. For example, a spirit might tell the truth about a future event to gain the trust of the user. The user begins to consult the board more and more and eventually become addicted,not wanting to do anything but spend time with the spirit. This is known as "Progressive Entrapment".

- Since there is no way of truly knowing if a spirit is good or evil it is important to keep in mind that the spirits will often use false flattery and lies to gain your confidence. Be careful.
-Always be respectful to the spirits.
-Sometimes an evil spirit will permanently inhabit a board. When this happens no other spirits will be able to communicate though that Ouija Board.
-Beware ... if the planchette begins to count down through the letter of the alphabet or the numbers the spirit can escape form the board.
-If the planchette moves to the four corners of the board an evil spirit has been contacted.

-Never use the Ouija in a graveyard or a place where a terrible death has occurred. Playing in these places might cause terrible manifestations.
-Witch Boards are named such because witches once used them to summon demons.
-Avoid playing the Ouija Board alone. This increases your chances of becoming possessed by a spirit or demon.
-Ouija Boards that are not properly disposed of will return to haunt the owner.

-If you Burn the Ouija Board it will scream.
-If you place a silver coin on the board,It is said that no evil spirits can come through.
-Never leave the planchette on the board when you are not using it.
-To properly dispose of the Ouija Board break it into seven pieces,pour holy water on it and bury it.
Maybe all this is just Ouija folklore passed down something like an urban legend but it's your choice to believe it or not...
-Ouija Boards that are not properly disposed of will rerurn to haunt the owner.
-If you Burn the Ouija Board it will sream.
-If you place a silver coin on the board,It is said that no evil spirits can come through.
-Never leave the planchette on the board when you are not using it.
-To properly dispose of the Ouija Board break it into seven peices,pour holy water on it and bury it.
Maybe all this is just Ouija folklore passed down something like an urban ledgend but it's your choice to belive it or not..